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Evaluating Fire Extinguisher Annual Inspection Cost in 2024

Fire extinguishers are the primary safety equipment for fire hazards. They are reliable tools that help you safeguard yourself and your loved ones from accidental fires. Fire extinguisher inspections are vital in guaranteeing the safety of your building, its occupants, and your personal belongings.

A fire extinguisher inspection provides peace of mind that you have, at least, a properly functioning fire safety instrument to help you prevent a small fire from turning into a severe one and combat it confidently.

So, before you schedule an appointment for the yearly inspection of your fire extinguishers, it is beneficial to have an estimate of how much the servicing can cost you so you can prepare and plan accordingly.

Here What We Cover

Importance Of Fire Extinguisher Inspections

Fire extinguishers are your silent protectors, ready to combat any accidental fire incidents you might face. They are your foremost firefighting tool when trying to suppress a fire and prevent the spread of it to something on a severe scale.

Hence, you need your equipment to function correctly and prevent it from malfunctioning in the time of need. Conducting an annual maintenance check on your fire extinguisher can be a sure-shot way to develop confident reliability in your fire extinguishers and assure you that you are equipped with a powerful weapon.

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Difference Between Fire Extinguisher Inspections and Fire Extinguisher Servicing

Fire extinguisher inspections refer to an overall inspection of your units after a year maintenance period performing an annual inspection by a certified technician. It involves visual checks and basic testing of your fire extinguisher equipment. The fire safety professional looks for signs of visible wear and tear, damage, or corrosion that can hamper the functionality of your safety tool.

The fire extinguisher servicing process involves a thorough check by the fire safety professional, ensuring that all its parts and components are fully functional and adhere to fire and building codes. This involves in-depth checks on the core components of the fire extinguishers, like the pull pin, the pressure gauge, the canister, or the nozzle, and ensuring the parts function properly. Depending on the result of the inspection, the fire safety inspector can suggest that you replace parts, refill, or recharge your equipment.

Fire Extinguisher Annual Inspection Cost in 2024

fire extinguisher inspection costs depend on the size of your facility and the types of extinguishers available. The inspection requirements will be more straightforward if it’s a small-scale business facility or a residential building. In the case of a larger industrial complex or a housing society, the fire extinguisher system can be extensive, which may consume more time and lead to more significant inspection costs.

Fire extinguisher inspections generally cost between $15 and $30 and range to $100, depending on the system and regulation requirements. The fire extinguisher service procedure can cost more as it covers the replacement and refill or recharge service costs of the fire extinguisher.





Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers

2.5 lb


5 lb

$30- $50

10 lb

$40- $70

CO2 Fire Extinguishers

5 lb

$80 – $120

10 lb

$120 – $180

Halotron Fire Extinguisher

2.5 lb

$100 – $150

5 lb

$150 – $200

Water Mist Fire Extinguisher

1.25 gallon

$100 – $150

2.5 gallon

$150 – $200

Wet Chemical Fire Extinguisher

2.5 gallon

$150 – $200

6 gallon

$200 – $300

Water Fire Extinguishers

2.5 gallon

$30 – $50

5 gallon

$50 – $80

Foam Fire Extinguishers

2.5 gallon

$40 – $60

5 gallon

$60 – $100

Dry Powder Fire Extinguishers

2.5 lb

$30 – $50

5 lb

$40 – $60

10 lb

$50 – $80

Class K Fire Extinguishers

6 litres

$100 – $150

2.5 gallon

$150 – $200

Water Additive Fire Extinguishers

2.5 gallon

$50 – $80

5 gallon

$70 – $100


To find out the accurate cost of your fire extinguisher inspection, contact your local fire station or the fire department office and get an exact estimate.

Types of Extinguishers

How Frequent Should You Consider Fire Extinguisher Inspections?

The National Fire Protection Association has made it mandatory to inspect your fire extinguishers at least once a year.

NFPA 10, The Standard For Portable Fire Extinguishers, requires a mandatory inspection on installment and once a month after that. Inspection can occur more frequently depending on the location of the extinguishers, considering they are prone to rust, damage, or corrosion of the units.

Download NFPA 10 for free here.

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Factors To Consider When Evaluating Inspection Costs For Fire Extinguishers

While considering fire extinguisher inspections, you need to consider all aspects and ensure that you are getting the value for your investment.

Some key factors that will help you evaluate your inspection process:

Inspection Frequency

Finalize the frequency of inspections you want on your extinguisher systems per year. The more inspections, the higher the cost, but they will eventually keep your protection systems safer and ready to use at any given moment.

Extinguisher System Size

if you have an extensive fire protection system with a higher number of fire extinguishers, your inspection cost will certainly be on the higher side. Smaller fire extinguisher units will cost you less as compared to bigger units.

Identify The Type Of Service

You must also consider whether you’re looking for a basic fire extinguisher inspection or a more comprehensive servicing. A thorough servicing will cost more than a basic inspection of your extinguisher equipment. Still, you can rest assured that your extinguisher system will be updated according to the latest fire codes and regulations.

Choose A Reputed Service Company

when considering scheduling an appointment for your fire extinguisher inspection, make sure you have the servicing done by a reputable company. Understandably, lower costs might seem like an attractive offer. But eventually, it’s better to be safe than sorry and have your fire extinguishers inspected by an authorized source with certified expertise in the field.

Additional Services

Your service provider might suggest additional services and inspections. If you’re considering, make sure that the service fits your budget and requirements.

Proper documentation

after fire extinguisher inspection or service, verify your documents and certification from the inspection professional stating your inspection equipment has been thoroughly examined. These documents are crucial in proving that your equipment adheres to the fire codes.

Before Scheduling A Fire Extinguisher Inspection

Before you schedule the inspection process for your portable extinguishers and fire extinguisher equipment, conduct a visual inspection of your units to avoid prominent areas of correction by the safety inspector.

Areas you need to take care of when conducting a self-inspection of your fire extinguishers:

Know Your Codes And Regulations

Get familiar with the regulation codes of your area, building, and manufacturer.

Keep Necessary Documents Accessible

Keep previous documents handy, such as previous inspection reports, maintenance records, regular inspections, or service agreements.

Mandatory Visual Inspection

conduct a visual inspection of your fire extinguisher. Make sure all parts are free from damage and comply with proper functioning methods.

Verify Inspection Tag

Check the fire extinguisher cylinder’s inspection tag and gauge the pressure unit, ensuring they are within operational range.

Schedule Your Appointment

Finally, schedule your inspection with a certified and professional fire safety inspector to thoroughly examine your extinguisher.

Evaluating Fire Extinguisher Annual Inspection Cost in 2024

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