How ZenTrades Helped Inland Fire Streamline Operations and Improved Communication


Cal Aron




 4x revenue

Cal Aron is the point of contact for Inland Fire, a company specializing in fire safety and prevention. Before partnering with ZenTrades, Inland Fire faced significant challenges in managing its business workflow. They relied heavily on a pen-and-paper system, which made it difficult to track important information and communicate with customers effectively.

The challenges

Inland Fire’s reliance on traditional methods created chaos in their business processes. Handwritten notes and manual record-keeping led to disorganization and made it nearly impossible to maintain accurate customer records. This affected their ability to respond promptly to customer needs and made administrative tasks cumbersome.

“Our workflow was all over the place,” Cal Aron recalls. “It was hard to keep track of everything when everything was on paper.”

Choosing ZenTrades

Inland Fire chose ZenTrades primarily because of its proactive communication features. For Cal Aron, maintaining effective communication with customers was crucial, and ZenTrades provided a platform that could meet this need.

“I needed a system that could help me stay in touch with customers and keep everything organized,” he explains. “ZenTrades offered the right tools for that.”

Transitioning to ZenTrades

Transitioning from a pen-and-paper system to a digital platform was challenging for Inland Fire. The process was time-consuming, as they had to collect email addresses from all their end customers and digitize a lot of their existing records. Despite these hurdles, Cal Aron found that the support from ZenTrades helped smooth the transition.

“It was tough at first,” he admits. “We had to gather a lot of information from scratch, but the ZenTrades team was helpful throughout the process.”

Key Features and Impact

The invoicing and ticketing features quickly became the most valuable aspects of ZenTrades for Inland Fire. The ability to send invoices via email and accept payments electronically made a significant difference in how they conducted business. This feature alone saved them time and reduced administrative overhead.


“I can send invoices to customers from anywhere and even process payments,” Cal Aron says. “It’s a game-changer for us.”


Since adopting ZenTrades, Inland Fire’s administrative tasks have become more organized, improving overall workflow and allowing them to focus more on their core business.

Supporting Business Growth

Although Inland Fire is still in the process of growing, they have noticed a marked increase in efficiency since adopting ZenTrades. The platform has provided a solid foundation for their expansion plans, allowing them to focus on delivering better services to their customers.

“ZenTrades has helped us become more efficient,” Cal Aron explains. “It’s a great platform for supporting our growth.”

Customer Satisfaction and Feedback

Inland Fire rated their satisfaction with ZenTrades at 8 out of 10. The key reasons for this high rating were the proactive communication features and the strong account management support. Despite the initial transition challenges, they are pleased with the platform’s overall performance.

“The communication tools are excellent, and the support from ZenTrades has been great,” says Cal Aron. “That’s why we rate it so high.”

Future Plans and Suggestions for Improvement

Looking ahead, Inland Fire plans to expand its business within the fire safety sector and intends to maximize the use of ZenTrades’ features. They are particularly interested in exploring the full capabilities of FP forms, which they believe will further enhance their workflow.


However, Cal Aron has some suggestions for improvement. He would like to see better email templates for invoicing and a feature that allows him to identify customers based on their last job or revenue. ZenTrades is already working on some of these improvements, which adds to Inland Fire’s confidence in the platform.

“We’re excited about the future with ZenTrades,” Cal Aron concludes. “If they can add those features, it’ll be even better

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