
NFPA 30A, Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages

It mitigates fire and explosion risks by stipulating safeguards for dispensing both liquid and gaseous motor fuels into automotive and marine fuel tanks, promoting safety in fueling operations.
Current Version: 2024
Revision Cycle: Annual 2026
Next Edition: 2027
Status: Active

NFPA 30A Summary

NFPA 30A: Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages is a critical resource for mitigating fire and explosion hazards associated with the dispensing of liquid and gaseous motor fuels. Here are the key points from the 2024 edition: 1. Scope and Purpose: - NFPA 30A provides safety criteria for dispensing liquid motor fuels into motor vehicle and marine craft fuel tanks. - It also addresses gaseous motor fuels, but only when dispensed at the same facility as liquid motor fuels. 2. Safety Safeguards: - The code outlines safeguards to prevent accidents during fuel dispensing. - These measures help protect lives, property, and the environment. 3. Applicability: - NFPA 30A applies to facilities such as gas stations, repair garages, and other locations where motor fuels are dispensed. - It ensures that proper safety practices are followed during fuel transfer. In summary, NFPA 30A plays a crucial role in ensuring safe fuel dispensing practices, minimizing risks, and safeguarding both people and property. For more detailed information, you can explore the 2024 NFPA Products and Solutions Catalog.

What is the key differences between NFPA 30A, 2024 and its preceding version?

Let's delve into the significant differences between the NFPA 30A: Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages in its 2024 edition compared to the previous version: EOSTI Activation Pressure Adjustment: The Emergency Oxygen Supply Time Indicator (EOSTI) activation pressure has been modified. Previously, EOSTI activated at a fixed percentage of the SCBA rated service pressure (e.g., 35%). In the 2024 edition, EOSTI activation pressures are now specific to each SCBA rated service pressure, accounting for the incompressibility of air at high pressure. For example, SCBA with different rated cylinder durations but the same service pressure share a common EOSTI activation pressure. Clarification on Air Pressure and Remaining Cylinder Volume: Due to the non-linear relationship between SCBA pressure and remaining cylinder volume, the new EOSTI activation pressures address this discrepancy. The revised values correspond with 35% of the SCBA rated cylinder volume, ensuring accurate monitoring of remaining air supply. Effective Dates and Transition: The 2024 edition is projected to be issued in April 2024. If any changes are submitted via the Notice of Intent to Make a Motion (NITMAM), the issuance date may be adjusted to August 2024 (tentative). The last ship date for NFPA 1981, 2018 Edition SCBA will be 18 months after the effective date of the 2024 edition. These updates aim to enhance the safety and reliability of emergency oxygen supply systems in motor fuel dispensing facilities and repair garages.
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