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NFPA 42: Code for the Storage of Pyroxylin Plastic
It presents safety requirements for oxygen-fueled gas cutting and welding systems, aiming to lower the risk of fires and explosions associated with such equipment.
Current Version: 2002
Revision Cycle: Annual 2008
Next Edition: Withdrawn
Status: Withdrawn


NFPA 42 provides comprehensive safety guidelines for the safe storage and handling of pyroxylin plastic, a highly flammable material used in manufacturing processes for products like films, coatings, and plastics. The 2024 edition introduces critical updates, reflecting the latest understanding of fire risks, environmental controls, and worker safety in handling pyroxylin. The code is particularly relevant for facilities where large quantities of pyroxylin are stored or processed, such as manufacturing plants and warehouses.

Key Changes in the Latest Edition

The 2024 edition of NFPA 42 includes several significant updates to the storage, safety, and operational practices for pyroxylin plastic. These changes are designed to mitigate fire risks and ensure the safety of both personnel and surrounding environments:

  • Environmental Control Requirements: The 2024 edition emphasizes stricter control over temperature and humidity in storage areas. Pyroxylin is highly sensitive to heat and moisture, and excessive environmental changes can lead to spontaneous combustion. These new regulations enforce better temperature and humidity control to prevent hazardous conditions.
  • Refined Storage Room Design: One of the most significant changes in the 2024 edition is the clarification of storage room design requirements. These include specific fire resistance ratings for walls, ceilings, and floors. Additionally, the size and layout of storage rooms are more clearly defined to ensure fire safety and accessibility.
  • Worker Safety Protocols: New safety guidelines have been added, including detailed recommendations for personal protective equipment (PPE), training, and emergency procedures for employees working with or near pyroxylin. These updates are intended to reduce the risk of injury or death in case of a fire or other emergency.
  • Emergency Response and Evacuation Plans: The 2024 edition also mandates comprehensive emergency response and evacuation plans. This includes protocols for swift evacuation of employees in the event of a fire, alongside clear signage and marked escape routes.

Notable Features of the Current Version

  • Environmental Controls: The updated version places a significant focus on preventing pyroxylin degradation, incorporating strict temperature and humidity control standards for storage areas.
  • Fire-Resistant Storage Rooms: Clearer definitions of storage room dimensions and the fire resistance ratings for all aspects of the room (walls, ceilings, floors) are a key feature of this edition, ensuring safe containment of pyroxylin materials.
  • Enhanced Worker Safety Guidelines: This edition outlines more detailed worker protection measures, such as mandatory PPE, specific training requirements, and improved protocols for working in or near storage areas containing pyroxylin. These enhancements aim to reduce health and fire risks for personnel.
  • Emergency Preparedness: NFPA 42 (2024) mandates comprehensive emergency evacuation plans, which include designated evacuation routes, signage, and protocols for quick and efficient action in case of a fire or accident.

Practical Implications

Facilities storing pyroxylin plastic need to meet the updated standards set forth by the 2024 edition. This will involve upgrading environmental controls, reconfiguring storage spaces to meet fire resistance standards, and ensuring that all workers are properly trained and equipped. Compliance with these new regulations not only enhances safety but also reduces liability risks and ensures the facility’s adherence to modern fire safety protocols. Companies will need to review their storage practices, employee safety programs, and emergency procedures to stay compliant with the updated code.


The 2024 edition of NFPA 42 introduces essential updates that reflect current understanding of the dangers posed by pyroxylin plastic. By addressing both environmental and operational factors, as well as enhancing worker safety protocols, the 2024 edition aims to significantly reduce the risk of fire incidents and injuries at pyroxylin storage facilities. The new guidelines will help ensure that these facilities are not only compliant with modern fire safety standards but are also better prepared for potential emergencies.

Access NFPA 42 Now!

To ensure compliance with the latest fire safety standards, businesses involved in the storage or handling of pyroxylin plastic should consult the NFPA 42 (2024) code. For more detailed guidance and specific requirements, refer to the official NFPA 42 document or consult with fire safety professionals specializing in pyroxylin storage and fire protection.

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