
NFPA 59, Utility LP-Gas Plant Code

It lays out minimum fire protection, safety, and related criteria for designing, constructing, securing, and operating liquefied natural gas (LNG) plants, prioritizing safety in LNG operations.
Current Version: 2024
Revision Cycle: Annual 2026
Next Edition: 2027
Status: Active

NFPA 59 Summary

NFPA 59, the Utility LP-Gas Plant Code (2024), is a crucial standard for ensuring safety in the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of refrigerated and non-refrigerated utility gas plants that handle liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Here are the key points: 1. Scope and Purpose: - NFPA 59 applies to utility LP-Gas plants used in homes, businesses, and industrial settings. - It covers LPG containers, piping, associated process equipment, and fire protection. - The code extends from the point of transfer during cargo tank or railcar delivery to the introduction of LP-Gas vapor into the utility distribution system. 2. Safety Measures: - Detailed requirements for design, construction, location, installation, and operation. - Addresses emergency procedures, ventilation, and overall fire protection. 3. Aggregate Water Capacity: - Installations with an aggregate water capacity of 4000 gallons or less must conform to NFPA 58 (LPG Code). 4. Purpose: - NFPA 59 aims to provide minimum fire protection, safety, and related guidelines for utility LP-Gas plants. In summary, NFPA 59 ensures the safe handling of LPG, benefiting both users and the environment.

What is the key differences between NFPA 59, 2024 and its preceding version?

The key differences between the current version of NFPA 59, Utility LP-Gas Plant Code (2024), and the previous version are as follows: 1. Testing Interval for Relief Valves: - The 2024 edition of NFPA 59 introduces an alternative approach for establishing the testing interval for relief valves. This approach differs from the 5-year frequency required by previous editions of the code. 2. Scope Expansion: - Since 2004, the scope of NFPA 59 has included small LP-Gas jurisdictional piping systems with 10 or more customers. These systems are typically propane/air designs. This expansion aims to cover a broader range of LP-Gas installations beyond traditional utility-operated systems. 3. General Requirements: - NFPA 59 continues to provide safety requirements for the design, construction, location, installation, operation, and maintenance of both refrigerated and non-refrigerated utility gas plants. - The code addresses aspects such as LP-Gas containers, piping, associated process equipment, controls, and fire protection. - Coverage extends from the point of transfer during delivery (e.g., cargo tank vehicle or railcar) to where LP-Gas vapor enters the utility distribution system. It is important to note that NFPA 59 serves as a crucial standard for ensuring fire protection, safety, and related requirements in utility LP-Gas plants.
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