Mr. Carlos Morett, president of Mexico’s leading fire safety company, reveals top tips and why ZenFire’s his go-to! - Coming Soon

Pavan Kalyan

Pavan Kumar, a technology enthusiast and head of onboarding at ZenTrades, specializes in working with fire inspectors to streamline their workflows through digital solutions. He trains fire inspection businesses in software usage and business growth, ensuring they maximize the benefits of ZenTrades’ innovative tools.
OSHA Fire Extinguisher Clearance Requirements: Everything You Need To Know

According to the US Fire Administration, nearly 1,000 deaths have already occurred due to fires in 2024 as of the end of this month. The one thing most of these situations have in common is hazardous materials in the environment that cause the fire.

Pavan Kalyan / 30-05-2024

A fire sprinkler system is a life-saving component of a system that is built to keep people’s lives risk-free. An internal sprinkler inspection every five years is a mandated inspection by the NFPA to keep up with safety standards, 

Abel Dany / 28-03-2024

We sleep soundly at night, knowing that we’re safe from incendiary outbreaks thanks to some installed smoke detectors and other fire prevention systems.

Abel Dany / 29-03-2024

Portable fire extinguishers are an essential tool for fire safety that should never be taken for granted. They are often the first line of an effective solution to any fire problem in an environment and help 

Abel Dany / 03-05-2024

fire extinguisher inspection log is a record of a regular inspection of an extinguisher that officially needs to be done at regular intervals for the safety of buildings and individuals and to test its effectiveness.

Abel Dany / 01-05-2024