Efficient Maintenance Agreement Software for Your Business

ZenTrades maintenance agreement software allows you to easily schedule and manage all recurring jobs, ensuring a smooth customer experience. Renewing agreements is made simple with our software, enabling you to streamline your business and generate off-season income.


Maintenance Agreement Software For Managing Recurring Jobs

ZenTrades Recurrent Inspection Management software allows you to schedule jobs in advance, track contract status quickly, and renew agreements. Schedule recurring inspections automatically and receive regular reminders anytime a routine inspection or maintenance contract service is due. Users will no longer have to schedule inspections manually every time. You can also send an email with a digital inspection report.

ZenFire Service Agreements

Our Service

One Solution For All


Grow your organization with an innovative, efficient software solution and its exclusive features. Increase productivity and revenue with the right tools of our smart, cost-effective software.


Work is made simple by streamlining your workflow, reducing paperwork, and saving time. Arm your team with this easily operable software to help maximize sales and boost performance.


Ensure the total privacy of your business with continuously updated security. With our cloud sync system, expect 24/7 protected data.

Key Features

Sell More Service Agreements With Ease.

Cover equipment can be sold into an agreement right from the field. Easily manage maintenance agreements and gain lifetime customers with a click.

Make Way For Loyal Customers.

Know which customer needs maintenance at a glance. Timely follow-up, perform the best service, enhance customer experience, and turn your regular customers to loyal customers.

Always Have Money In The Bank.

Don’t worry about the slow days at work and low financial stability. Create monthly or yearly recurring service agreements that never expire and earn income even during the off-season.

ZenFire Track-Status

Advance Scheduling

Advance scheduling helps to manage recurring jobs easily. It enables the users to prioritize the tasks without last-minute hurdles. Get all details on one screen and know with certainty which customers require a service beforehand.

Expiring Maintenance Agreement

Get automated reminders on what’s coming next and know when any service agreement is close to its expiry on a single screen. It helps field service companies to plan accordingly and sustain more customers with advance renewal pitches.

Expiring Service Agreements
Upcoming Visits

Due Visits Management

Stay informed regarding remaining visits and renewals. Have all the customer details and service agreement history in one place to plan renewals constructively.

Service Or Maintenance Agreement Reports

Get accurate details on the performance of your service agreement program with up-to-the-minute reports. From active contracts to expiring agreements, leave it to ZenTrades service agreement software.

ZenFire Service Agreements Reports
Service Agreement Custom Equipments

Custom Equipment

Cover the sale of your equipment into a maintenance agreement from the field and offer warranties to increase customer satisfaction.