
Service Price Calculator

Calculate Labor Costs
Calculate Overhead Expenses

Service Price:

Profit: 0.00%
Markup: 0.00%

Calculate Your Service Price Effortlessly and Send Precise Estimates To Your Clients

Use the Service Price Calculator above and calculate your total service cost in just a few seconds!

What is Service Pricing?

Service price is the total cost that service providers charge for their services. This includes all charges, such as the total labor cost, material costs, overhead charges, and other additional costs. The service price also consists of the profit margin the provider wishes to achieve from the job.

How do you calculate Service Price?

The service price of a job can be calculated by adding up all the expenses along with your desired profit amount: labor cost, material cost, overhead charges, and profits. 

Why use a Service Price Calculator?

Using traditional methods to calculate your service price can be hectic. Especially if you’re computing your additional costs and profit manually, it could be a lengthy process to calculate your expenses and add them to your final price quote.

A service price calculator can help field service business owners calculate their total service costs effortlessly. Our free Service Price Calculator can help you estimate your total labor costs, material costs, and overhead expenses, along with your desired profit margin.

Our tool helps you calculate all your costs in seconds and turn them into a professional estimate. Not just professional but accurate and error-free estimates that will convert your one-time customers into loyal clients, besides scoring profitable work!

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